Soul Connection

Personal / Private Sessions With Kim

Akashic Record Reading

Akashic Record Reading


Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bönpo and other peoples of the Himalayas, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. 

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Come and explore one of your past lives and gain some insight and understanding into some of your current life experiences.  It is said that in order to understand the present one merely needs to look at the past, for the present is the product of the past.


Guided Soul Journeys

This is a sacred journey that your soul takes you on to assist you with your spiritual growth and development.  This is a deeply personal and spiritual communion between you and the higher level expression of your being.

Ancestoral Journey

Guided Journeys For Communion With Your Ancestors

This sacred journey connects you with your Ancestors and the contracts you made prior to incarnating.  This is a deeply personal and spiritual communion between you and your Ancestors to assist you in understand the patterns that are held within the ancestral lineage, your contracts with each of the lineages for this life time and how these contracts are linked into your Soul’s development, growth and karma. 

Sacred Geometry Healing Image

Sacred Geometry Crystal Healing

Sacred geometry shapes and symbols are the “unseen” energetic fabric of access to the higher planes of awareness.  They are doorways of energy through which we awaken to new ways of seeing ourselves, our world, and the nature of reality. 

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Axiatonal Alignment Healing

Axiatonal Alignment focuses on re-establishing connection with the larger Self, and to work with IT to achieve total Self-Realization.  The healing helps you to re-establish connection first of all with your Oversoul; and then it also reconnects the severed axiatonal lines, and rejuvenates the axial circulatory system.

Healing Hands

Reiki Healing

I am an Usui and Lightarian Reiki Master.  The benefits of Reiki are numerous.  Amongst other things, Reiki boosts your immune system – strengthening the body’s healing system.

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing

Crystals have been used throughout history for healing. Crystals work with the human energy field and can move, absorb, focus, direct and diffuse energy within the body. Working with crystalline energy helps the body to find it’s natural rhythm.

Crystalline Lightbody DNA Activation Image

Crystalline Lightbody DNA Activation And Attunement

The Crystalline Lightbody DNA Activation and Attunement is designed to assist you in bringing about a remembrance of your multidimensional nature as a master being of light and love and to help you to align with your divine purpose on this planet at this time.

There are many shifts, personal and planetary, that are occurring during this special time on earth. Attuning to your Crystalline Lightbody brings you into greater energetic harmony with the frequencies of love and light necessary to ascend into the next dimension of living on this planet. We are all one, emanating from the same universal source of love and light and our souls develop so that we can recognize how our unique passions, gifts and desires are actually unique expressions of this divine energy.

Business Home Land Clearings

Business / Home / Land Clearings


There are many reasons why the family home or business can be affected by misguided energies and other forces, thereby needing a house / business clearing.  There are just as many reasons why smudging with white sage is not always the answer.

Arguments, violence, drug use, and even teenage angst, are just some precursors to a build-up of negative energy within the home by the current occupants.

Perhaps the negative energies were present before the property was purchased or tenanted. It is possible the house / business may have been built in an area that is significant to the traditional custodians of the land and is creating an imbalance in the surrounding energy field.

It is also possible that violence and trauma from hundreds of years in the past can still be affecting the area today.

Long Distance Home, Business and Land Clearings Image

Long Distance House, Office, Workspace And Land Cleansings

Are You Battling To Sell Your Home, Rent Your Home, Do You Have Work Issues, Or Do You Just Feel Stuck?

Then A Clearing Is Exactly What You Need To Do!

A House / Space/ Office Blessing / Clearing energetically clears homes, offices or healing spaces. It assists in the:

  • Manifestation and flow of abundance into your personal life and business.
  • Clearing of stagnant energy and residue of thoughts and emotions rising from everyday living, and the more potent energy arising from emotional disturbances, illness, trauma or death at a location.  Like a video that is played over and over, past events can be “stuck” and keep re-playing.
Ultra Violet Angelic Fire Healing Image

Ultra-Violet Angelic Fire Long Distance Healing

In this healing session, I will connect with you etherically (on a Soul Level) and with the assistance of a group of Ultra-Violet Light Angels, focus on clearing, cleansing and uplifting your personal energy space, as well as dissolving cords to individuals or groups that interfere with your light and in some ways block your soul path and ascension. 

This session also includes a releasing, clearing and healing of past life time lines and karma that may be inhibiting your soul path and ascension.

Curse Spell Removal

Curse / Spell Removal

90 Minute Session Plus Herbs

90 Minute Sessions plus Herbs ~ Available as In-Person or Skype Sessions



Negative energies, entities and attachments are all the same thing.  They are able to utilize the energy fields and awareness of human beings by attaching themselves to the Chakras and/or the different layers of a person’s Aura.

It is thought that around 75% of the population have negative entity attachments, which is no small number, but it’s unsurprising when you consider the dysfunction in society. Negative entities are very sly and clever!

Symptoms of a negative entity attachment can look like this:

  • Loss of joy in life
  • Experience thoughts that are destructive and not your usual thought patterns
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Trouble sleeping 
  • Do you need to “Break Free” of something or someone?
  • Cannot break drug, alcohol, addictive or other habits?
  • Do you feel / sense or see the presence of a being that leaves you feeling afraid and/or uncomfortable?
  • Do you feel you are not in control of your actions, thoughts and/or feelings?
  • Are you bothered by energies that do not belong here?
  • Do you feel that you are not yourself or that you are not all there?
  • Do you feel as though you have or do others describe you as having a “split personality”?



Intuitive Spiritual Counselling

Intuitive / Spiritual Counselling

If you just need to talk and you are looking for intuitive guidance, then this session is for you. 

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