Soul Connection




I have offered this service for over 20 years now.

There are 5 cards that you may choose from. You are welcome to receive all 5 cards on a weekly basis (most people choose to receive all 5 cards so please feel free to subscribe to receive all 5 cards if this is what you would like). The free weekly card readings are:  

Should you subscribe to this service, I will draw a crystal card for you on a weekly basis.  Not only does this offer insights for you on a personal basis but it also assists you in increasing your crystal knowledge.  The cards are drawn individually with the specific person in mind.  I send you the name of the crystal and brief description of what working with that crystal teaches you.  Emails are sent on Sunday evening. 

Should you subscribe to this service, I will draw an inspirational card for you on a weekly basis.  These cards are very insightful and truthful.  The cards are drawn individually with the specific person in mind.  I send you the card and a brief description of what energies you may wish to work with in the coming week.  Emails are sent on Sunday evening. 

Should you subscribe to this service, I will draw an inspirational card for you on a weekly basis.  These cards are very insightful and truthful.  The cards are drawn individually with the specific person in mind.  I send you the card and a brief description of what energies you may wish to work with in the coming week.  Emails are sent on Sunday evening. 

This reading is done from two combined decks of cards namely, the Healing with the Angels card deck and the Earth Magic Oracle card deck.  Should you subscribe to this service, I will draw a card for you on a weekly basis.  These cards are filled with the loving guidance, wisdom, compassion and the love of the Angels and our Mother Gaia.  These messages are truly a blessing.  The cards are drawn individually with the specific person in mind.  I send you the card and a description of what energies you may wish to work with hand in hand with the Angels for the coming week.  Emails are sent on Sunday evening. 

Should you subscribe to this service, I will draw a Wisdom Of Avalon card for you on a weekly basis.  These cards are geared towards highlighting and assisting you with life and the challenges that life sometimes presents us with.  These cards will assist you to begin to work more consciously with the challenges and patterns of your life. The cards are drawn individually with the specific person in mind.  I send you the card and a description of what energies you may wish to work with for the coming week.  Emails are sent on Sunday evening.

Should you subscribe to this service, I will draw a Shaman’s Dream Oracle card for you on a weekly basis.  These cards are filled with loving guidance, wisdom, understanding, compassion and guidance.  These messages are in-depth and truly an inspirational blessing.  The cards are drawn individually with the specific person in mind.  I send you the card and a description of what energies you may wish to work with hand in hand with the Goddess for the coming week.  Emails are sent on Sunday evening. 

Card Readings
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