Lightarian™ Reiki Attunements



There are two prerequisites for taking Lightarian Reiki:

First, you must be an Usui-based Reiki Master/Teacher.  Secondly, you must either have received Karuna-based Reiki 1 and 2 OR the Lightarian “Buddhic Boost.”  See below for information about the Buddhic Boost.

Note: By “Usui-based” we also mean other forms of Usui Reiki Master level, such as Shamballa Reiki and Seichim Reiki.



 The Lightarian Buddhic Boost is offered as a means to energetically “bridge the vibrational gap” between Usui-based Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Receiving the Buddhic Boost will simply and effectively lift your vibration up to the Second Band of the Reiki energies, in preparation for receiving the higher vibrational bands of Lightarian Reiki I and II.

The Buddhic Boost is a very simple attunement designed to vibrationally prepare you for getting started with the Lightarian Reiki Training Program.  It requires no formal training of its own and no manual is provided in advance of receiving the Boost attunement. Complete details about the Buddhic Boost are covered in the Lightarian Reiki I and II Manual. Approximately 30 days after receiving the Boost, you would be ready to receive Lightarian Reiki I and II.  However, under certain circumstances, the timing can be accelerated.

Please note that the Buddhic Boost attunement is only given to those who are also committed to taking Lightarian Reiki I and II. Therefore, along with the Buddhic Boost fee, prepayment for Lightarian Reiki I and II would be required at the same time.



 Manuals are ordered prior to you beginning the process and you will need to read the first manual prior to you receiving your first attunement.

For further details and information about these attunements, please feel free to visit the Lightarian website at

Please note that I am a registered teacher through the institute.  You will be registered with each attunement that you receive in order that you too may share these attunements with others.